Saw Piercing Workshops


Saw Piercing Workshops -

Saw piercing is a jewellery technique which involves cutting intricate patterns through the use of a fine jeweler's saw. This is a delicate process that requires patience, focus and skill. Saw piercing creates beautiful and detailed designs that enhance the beauty and elegance of the jewelry piece. The technique is commonly used in crafting earrings, necklaces, and pendants. In the hands of a skilled jeweler, saw piercing can transform a simple piece of metal into a stunning work of art.

If you're an intermediate or advanced jewellery maker, we invite you to join our saw piercing workshop. For 5.5 hours of creative and hands-on learning, you will design and make your own jewellery using a piercing saw and a silver sheet. The workshop costs £85 per person and includes a lunch meal and soft drink at The Old George, our favorite local spot.

During the workshop, you will be provided with a 4cm square of silver sheet and unlimited saw blades to create your own unique jewellery. Whether you prefer a simple or a more complex design, we’ll help you every step of the way. You'll have the option to upgrade your project by adding extra silver sheet, decorative wires, gemstones and accents (extra charge for extra materials).

To get the most of this workshop, some experience in jewellery making is desired. However, we welcome everyone to join our talented and supportive team of creators.

Come and join us for an unforgettable day of creativity and make your passion for jewellery-making come to life!

Saw Piercing Workshop

Get in touch today to book your saw piercing workshop


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